PRIVAT is a family company with almost 30 years of experience manufacturing all types of parts, sub-assemblies and complete assemblies for numerous applications and industries, in a flat, agile and flexible structure, focused on customer satisfaction.
The AVINT Project is started by the RIS3CAT community: Industries of the Future, of which PRIVAT take part.
Last June 12th, R+D+i AVINT Project, named "Strategies of machining and prediction of roughness for optimal surface integrity" took place the kick off at CTM Foundation headquarters in Manresa, as a project leader.
AVINT Project is part of the RIS3CAT: Industries of the Future Community, within 5 other projects from several industry sectors. All of them have also obtained a percentage of FEDER (European Regional Development Fund) to help the development of their Projects.
In this way, PRIVAT, plans to contribute his knowledge in machining to be able to get superficial roughness highly adjusted in technical materials and high precision compromised parts, during 3 years of project’s duration.
Apart of PRIVAT and CTM, 8 other leader companies and research institutes of the Catalan territory participate, in the project, such as, Indústries Teixió, SA., Gutmar, SA., Flubetech, Imcar Tools, SL., Fuchs Lubricantes, SAU., Fundació Eurecat, Center d'Integritat Structural i Fiabilitat de Materials of the UPC and the International Center of Mètodes Numèrics en Enginyeria.